SaS took its “Magnetize Your Creativity” event to the University of Hyderabad’s, School of Life Sciences campus, where the AMR mural was displayed for a month. This event, held on January 16th, welcomed an intimate group of over 25 individuals. The smaller, yet highly informed audience provided an opportunity for in-depth conversations on the critical issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and allowed for a discussion on public health tools like AMR surveillance for its prediction and prevention.

Prior to the event, our co-lead, Somdatta Karak, facilitated a focused discussion on AMR and AMR surveillance with members of the Junior Science Club at the University. This session, which attracted engagement from more than 30 participants, served a precursor to the main event, setting the stage for informed and meaningful dialogue.


As the event provided a platform to delve into the APSI initiative and its approach to combating AMR, participants were particularly intrigued by the potential of such tools and techniques, questioning why they are not more widely utilized in current efforts to prevent pandemics. This curiosity and engagement were reflected in the creativity of the attendees, with one participant crafting a magnet with a message- “Test, Track, Tackle” – a succinct summary of the proactive approach needed to address and manage AMR effectively.