
AMR Wall Art created by Superheroes against Superbugs (SaS) in collaboration with Delhi Street Art (DSA) featured in the Times of India.

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The New Indian Express featured the AMR Wall Art at Khan Market with the caption "When art meets Awareness."

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SaS’s co-founder, Sarah Hyder, in coversation with Wissenschafts Kommunikations underlines the urgency to address AMR in India.

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Dr Ponnari Gotipatti, in an interview told The New Indian Express, "The indiscriminate use of antimicrobial drugs over the years has fastened the process of antimicrobial resistance."

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SaS’s work was featured in Sunday Mid Day newspaper.

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SaS’s work was featured in the science media platform The Experimentalist.

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On 24 November 2021, SaS announced its first batch of Superheroes Against Superbugs (SaS) Fellows.

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ASPIC Club - Yuvaraja’s College Chapter, Mysuru, Karnataka, India, translated our superbugs animation video into Kannada.

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SaS partners with the Stop Superbugs initiative by the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy to help us secure practical support to expand the initiative.

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Superheroes Against Superbugs is one of the finalists at the Falling Walls Engage 2020, a global platform that showcases successful science engagement projects.

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SaS facilitator and Science Communication and outreach lead at CCMB, Somdatta Karak authored this fun article titled “Common Myths about Microbes” in the special edition of iWonder, a science magazine for school teachers by Azim Premji University.

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SaS’s efforts in partnering with children in India in the fight against Superbugs has been featured by British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

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Suno India interviews SaS team for antibiotic awareness week, 2019, featuring Ponnari and Somdatta while they talk about the initiative and the issue of AMR in India.

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Wellcome Trust features SaS as an example of initiatives working at grassroots to inspire action against AMR.

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ReAct features SaS as one of the examples of work and initiatives that are raising awareness on antibiotic resistance or related subjects.

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SaS was featured by World Health Organisation during World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2018 (November 12 – 18) – Features from Around the World.

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SaS was selected as one of the two pioneering initiatives from across the globe tackling Antibiotic Resistance at Call To Action on AMR 2018.

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Battle Superbugs, Antibiotic Resistance Center at George Washington University interviewed Ponnari and Sarah, leads of the initiative.

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SaS was featured in South African-based Mail & Guardian newspaper in November 2018.

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SaS joins Becton Dickinson Antimicrobial Resistance Fighters Coalition I’m a Resistance Fighter campaign.

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SaS featured in Times of India.

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Twitter Praise

We, at SAS, would love to work with other like-minded organisations/individuals working in this space in India, so please reach out to us at